Arabic - French - Spanish - English
Founded in 2014, Yalla! Translate provides high-quality language services tailored to each client's needs and specifications and specialises in translation from Arabic, French and Spanish.

Although it may appear on the surface to be a simple task, translation is a complex process that requires language skills, cultural understanding, subject-specific knowledge and terminology, a strong eye for detail and complete mastery of the target language, including all the nuances of register and style. It is also not a one-size-fits-all process; translations may be required for a variety of reasons, from high-speed in-house communication within a company to the production of beautifully worded, accurate and effective websites, from works of literature to technical manuals, from slogans and mottos to client portfolios and annual reports. Professional translators work with clients to understand their needs, so that they can tailor each translation to the client's requirements. Far more than simply “writing this French out in English”!
Monolingual Editing
Not everyone can be expected to write perfect English — after all, what would professional translators do then? Editing services are here to fill that gap. Editing involves a complete check of an English-language text to remove errors of syntax, spelling, punctuation and grammar and to improve the overall writing style and readability. A good translator is not only thoroughly acquainted with their source languages, but also an expert in their mother tongue. Translators therefore make ideal editors, particularly as we are often more aware of the nuances, style, grammar and false friends contained in the writer’s mother tongue and are thus more alert to subtle mistakes and common errors. Don’t let your English-language text go out unpolished – send it for editing!
Bilingual Editing/Revision
Bilingual editing (also called revision) takes place when one language professional — usually not the translator themselves — reviews a translation by comparing the source and target texts against one another to check the meaning and accuracy of the terminology used. This is a vital step for ensuring that the translation in question faithfully reflects the content and style of the original text. After all, two sets of eyes are always better than one! Revision is almost always carried out by trained translators only, who have the skills and experience necessary to spot any errors in understanding or slip-ups in the target language committed by the translator. This service can be provided both for translations produced by other translators and for translations produced by non-professionals. A minimum level of quality is required for a translation to be worth editing, however, otherwise we may recommend submitting it for retranslation.

Proofreading involves the correction of a text to remove errors of syntax, spelling, punctuation and grammar (but not errors in the meaning of words or terminology), in order to improve the accuracy of the text and eliminate any possible misunderstandings. Even a mistake as simple as a missing comma can change the meaning of a sentence entirely — compare “Let’s eat Grandma!” and “Let’s eat, Grandma!” Proofreading is an essential step for any document, whether it is a simple birth certificate or the next great novel of the 21st century. All translation services include proofreading as standard, as no translator should ever fail to reread their own work. If you require specific or separate proofreading services, please get in touch via the Contact page.
As businesses become increasingly global and world-wide communication becomes the norm, the need for quick, efficient translation has soared far beyond that which could be met by human translators alone. Despite the understandable timidity of some language professionals to work with machine translation, we believe that in certain situations it should be embraced as a tool to be used by language service providers in order to achieve productivity levels and turn-around speeds that would otherwise be impossible. We are therefore happy to work with clients to provide appropriate post-editing services for machine-translated texts.
As a skill that is now rarely taught, even at university level, précis-writing nonetheless plays an important role in many international companies and organisations. Précis-writers are often trained as translators, thereby enabling them to create accurate, stylistically appropriate English-language summaries (précis) of meetings, speeches and reports produced in a number of source languages. A good précis-writer requires the ability to work at speed to produce concise, correct and politically neutral summaries, often to tight deadlines, and with full awareness of the political and cultural nuances and implications of the source texts at hand.